Sunday, July 5, 2009

Utah Foster Care Foundation

I have some exciting news! I have recently started the process to become a foster parent. I have completed the first set of paperwork, been fingerprinted, and had my physician sign my medical status form. I attended the first of eight training classes last Thursday. I have given this decision much thought and feel like becoming a foster parent will be a wonderful next chapter in my life. I have no delusions. I know that this will likely be the most challenging thing I have ever done, but I feel like I am as ready as I can be for it.


Pennsylvania Hendershots said...

Wow -good for you!

The Greenwoods said...

Reading this gave me goose bumps. It takes a special soul to care for children in those situations, you have that soul!!! If you need anything from me to help you in this process let me know!!!You are an amazing person Jeanie I am lucky to know you!!!